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Issue No.25 2015



Today, many of these museums are sharing their fabulous archives and making them available through their smart interactive websites. Rijks Museum in Amsterdam, (European museum of the year - 2015), launched “Rijks Studio” in late 2012, sharing with everyone online over 200’000 artworks from their massive collection...and all presented in pin-sharp high-res imagery for you to zoom in on, to touch, to ‘like’ and to use in your own creations. Once you set up your own account with Rijks, the entire online collection of images are available to you. It’s endless what you can create with RijksStudio. For those of you looking for inspiration for your work, look no further than through the vast library of extraordinary items: clip & crop into the finest of details, just as we have done here showcasing the flower design of this extraordinary 18th century embroidered silk wedding dress worn by Miss Helena Slicher.

This dress is part of a display on right now in the “Catwalk” exhibition, Fashion at the Rijks Museum.

From 20th February to the 15th May 2016.

See this inspiring story in issue No.25



The above pages featured in ...Styling Magazine